Source code for espec_pr3j.espec_pr3j

import logging
import re
import time
from typing import Optional

import pyvisa

from .data_classes import (
from .exceptions import MonitorError, SettingError

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class EspecPr3j: """ Implements the basic operation of the environmental chamber. Args: `hostname (Optional[str])`: Host name of the environmental chamber. Default is None. If None, the resource_path must be provided. Can't be used with resource_path. It can be an IP address. `temperature_accuracy (Optional[float])`: The accuracy considered when setting the temperature. Default is 0.5. `humidity_accuracy (Optional[float])`: The accuracy considered when setting the humidity. Default is 3.0. `resource_path (Optional[str])`: The resource path of the environmental chamber. If None, the hostname must be provided. Can't be used with hostname. Default is None. `resource_namager (Optional[pyvisa.ResourceManager])`: An optional PyVISA resource manager. If None, the default one is used. Default is None. `communication_timeout (Optional[int])`: The communication timeout in milliseconds. Default is 5000. """ MONITOR_COMMAND_DELAY = 0.2 """Delay in seconds when sending a command to the environmental chamber (program-related delay is 0.3)""" SETTING_COMMAND_DELAY = 0.5 """Delay in seconds when sending a setting command to the environmental chamber (program-related delay is 1)""" LINE_TERMINATION = "\r\n" """The line termination character used by the environmental chamber""" TCP_PORT = 57732 """The TCP port of the environmental chamber""" def __init__( self, hostname: Optional[str] = None, temperature_accuracy: Optional[float] = None, humidity_accuracy: Optional[float] = None, resource_path: Optional[str] = None, resource_manager: Optional[pyvisa.ResourceManager] = None, communication_timeout: Optional[int] = None, ): assert (hostname is None) or (resource_path is None) assert (hostname is not None) or (resource_path is not None) self.hostname = hostname """The IP address of the environmental chamber""" self.temperature_accuracy = temperature_accuracy or 0.5 """The accuracy considered when setting the temperature""" self.humidity_accuracy = humidity_accuracy or 3.0 """The accuracy considered when setting the humidity""" # we try to connect to the environmental chamber just to see if there is an # error self._resource_manager = resource_manager or pyvisa.ResourceManager() if resource_path is None: resource_path = f"TCPIP0::{self.hostname}" # noqa E231 resource_path += f"::{self.TCP_PORT}::SOCKET" # noqa E231 self.resource_path = resource_path """Resource path of the environmental chamber""" self._chamber = self._resource_manager.open_resource(self.resource_path) _LOGGER.debug(f"Connected to the environmental chamber at {self.resource_path}") self._chamber.write_termination = self.LINE_TERMINATION self._chamber.read_termination = self.LINE_TERMINATION self._chamber.timeout = communication_timeout or 5000 def _target_temperature_reached(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the current temperature is within the target temperature range. """ temperature_status = self.get_temperature_status() current = temperature_status.current_temperature target = temperature_status.target_temperature _LOGGER.debug( f"Current temperature: {current}°C, Target temperature: {target} +-" f"{self.temperature_accuracy}°C" ) return abs(current - target) <= self.temperature_accuracy def _target_humidity_reached(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the current humidity is within the target humidity range. If the humidity control is disabled, it always returns True. """ humidity_status = self.get_humidity_status() current = humidity_status.current_humidity target = humidity_status.target_humidity if target is None: _LOGGER.debug("Humidity control is disabled") return True _LOGGER.debug( f"Current humidity: {current}%, Target humidity: {target} +-" f"{self.humidity_accuracy}%" ) return abs(current - target) <= self.humidity_accuracy
[docs] def get_temperature_status(self) -> TemperatureStatus: """ Gets the temperature status of the environmental chamber. This includes the current temperature, set temperature, upper limit, and lower limit. Raises: `MonitorError`: If an error occurred when getting the temperature status. """ # send the request to the chamber response = self._chamber.query("TEMP?", delay=self.MONITOR_COMMAND_DELAY) # data format: [current temp, set temp, upper limit, lower limit] pattern = re.compile( r"(?P<current>\d+\.\d+)" r",(?P<target>\d+\.\d+)" r",(?P<upper>\d+\.\d+)" r",(?P<lower>\d+\.\d+)" ) match = pattern.match(response) if match is None: _LOGGER.error("Failed to get the temperature status") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise MonitorError("Failed to get the temperature status") # convert into float numbers temperature_status = TemperatureStatus( current_temperature=float(match["current"]), target_temperature=float(match["target"]), upper_limit=float(match["upper"]), lower_limit=float(match["lower"]), ) return temperature_status
[docs] def get_humidity_status(self) -> HumidityStatus: """ Gets the humidity status of the environmental chamber. This includes the current humidity, set humidity, upper limit, and lower limit. Raises: `MonitorError`: If an error occurred when getting the humidity status. """ # send the request to the chamber response = self._chamber.query("HUMI?", delay=self.MONITOR_COMMAND_DELAY) # data format: [current humi, set humi, upper limit, lower limit] pattern = re.compile( r"(?P<current>\d+)" r",(?P<target>OFF|\d+)" r",(?P<upper>\d+)" r",(?P<lower>\d+)" ) match = pattern.match(response) if match is None: _LOGGER.error("Failed to get the temperature status") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise MonitorError("Failed to get the humidity status") if match["target"] == "OFF": target_humidity = None else: target_humidity = float(match["target"]) # convert into float numbers humidity_status = HumidityStatus( current_humidity=float(match["current"]), target_humidity=target_humidity, upper_limit=float(match["upper"]), lower_limit=float(match["lower"]), ) return humidity_status
[docs] def set_target_temperature(self, temperature: float): """ Sets the target temperature of the environmental chamber. Args: `temperature`: The target temperature to set in Celsius. Raises: `ClimateChamberSettingError`: If an error occurred when setting the target temperature. """ # sets the temp of the chamber, temperature _LOGGER.debug(f"Setting target temperature to {temperature}°C") response = self._chamber.query( f"TEMP, S{temperature:.1f}", delay=self.SETTING_COMMAND_DELAY # noqa E231 ) # verify the response response_pattern = re.compile(r"OK:TEMP, S\d+.\d+") if not response_pattern.match(response): _LOGGER.error("Failed to set the target temperature") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise SettingError("Failed to set the target temperature")
[docs] def set_target_humidity(self, humidity: Optional[float] = None): """ Sets the target humidity of the environmental chamber. Args: `humidity`: The target humidity to set in percentage. If None, the humidity control is disabled. Raises: `ClimateChamberSettingError`: If an error occurred when setting the target humidity. """ if humidity is None: _LOGGER.debug("Disabling humidity control") response = self._chamber.query( "HUMI, SOFF", delay=self.SETTING_COMMAND_DELAY ) response_pattern = re.compile(r"OK:HUMI, SOFF") else: # sets the humidity of the chamber, (float) humidity _LOGGER.debug(f"Setting target humidity to {humidity}%") response = self._chamber.query( f"HUMI, S{humidity}", delay=self.SETTING_COMMAND_DELAY ) response_pattern = re.compile(r"OK:HUMI, S\d+.*\d*") # verify the response if not response_pattern.match(response): _LOGGER.error("Failed to set the target humidity") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise SettingError("Failed to set the target humidity")
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the connection to the environmental chamber. """ _LOGGER.debug("Closing the connection to the environmental chamber") self._chamber.close()
[docs] def get_test_area_state(self) -> TestAreaState: """ Get the chamber test area state. """ response: str = self._chamber.query("MON?", delay=self.MONITOR_COMMAND_DELAY) # output data format: [temp, humid, op-state, num. of alarms] pattern = re.compile( r"(?P<temp>\d+\.\d+),(?P<humid>\d+),(?P<state>\w+),(?P<alarms>\d+)" ) match = pattern.match(response) if match is None: _LOGGER.error("Failed to get the test area state") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise MonitorError("Failed to get the test area state") test_area_state = TestAreaState( current_temperature=float(match["temp"]), current_humidity=float(match["humid"]), operation_state=OperationMode.from_str(match["state"]), number_of_alarms=int(match["alarms"]), ) return test_area_state
[docs] def set_temperature_limits(self, upper_limit: float, lower_limit: float): """ Sets the upper and lower temperature limits for the chamber. Args: `upper_limit`: The temperature upper limit in Celsius. `lower_limit`: The temperature lower limit in Celsius. Raises: `ClimateChamberSettingError`: If an error occurred when setting the temperature limits. """ _LOGGER.debug( f"Setting temperature limits to {upper_limit}°C and {lower_limit}°C" ) response = self._chamber.query(f"TEMP, H{upper_limit: 0.1f}") response_pattern = re.compile(r"OK:TEMP, H \d+.\d+") if not response_pattern.match(response): _LOGGER.error("Failed to set the upper temperature limit") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise SettingError("Failed to set the upper temperature limit") response = self._chamber.query(f"TEMP, L{lower_limit: 0.1f}") response_pattern = re.compile(r"OK:TEMP, L \d+.\d+") if not response_pattern.match(response): _LOGGER.error("Failed to set the lower temperature limit") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise SettingError("Failed to set the lower temperature limit")
[docs] def set_humidity_limits(self, upper_limit: float, lower_limit: float): """ Sets the upper and lower humidity limits for the chamber Args: `upper_limit`: The humidity upper limit. `lower_limit`: The humidity lower limit. Raises: `ClimateChamberSettingError`: If an error occurred when setting the humidity limits. """ _LOGGER.debug(f"Setting humidity limits to {upper_limit}% and {lower_limit}%") response = self._chamber.query("HUMI, H" + str(upper_limit)) response_pattern = re.compile(r"OK:HUMI, H\d+") if not response_pattern.match(response): _LOGGER.error("Failed to set the upper humidity limit") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise SettingError("Failed to set the upper humidity limit") response = self._chamber.query("HUMI, L" + str(lower_limit)) response_pattern = re.compile(r"OK:HUMI, L\d+") if not response_pattern.match(response): _LOGGER.error("Failed to set the lower humidity limit") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise SettingError("Failed to set the lower humidity limit")
[docs] def get_mode(self) -> OperationMode: """ Gets the operation mode of the environmental chamber. """ response = self._chamber.query("MODE?", delay=self.MONITOR_COMMAND_DELAY) pattern = re.compile(r"(?P<mode>\w+)") match = pattern.match(response) if match is None: _LOGGER.error("Failed to get the operation mode") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise MonitorError("Failed to get the operation mode") return OperationMode.from_str(response)
[docs] def set_mode(self, mode: OperationMode): """ Sets the operation mode of the environmental chamber. Args: `mode`: The operation mode to set. """ # sets the mode of the chamber: _LOGGER.debug(f"Setting operation mode to {mode}") response = self._chamber.query( f"MODE, {mode}", delay=self.SETTING_COMMAND_DELAY ) response_pattern = re.compile(r"OK:MODE, (?P<mode>\w+)") match = response_pattern.match(response) if match is None: _LOGGER.error("Failed to set the operation mode") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise SettingError("Failed to set the operation mode") set_mode = OperationMode.from_str(match["mode"]) if set_mode != mode: _LOGGER.error( f"Operation mode not set correctly" f" (current: {match['mode']}, expected: {mode})" ) _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") _LOGGER.debug(f"Mode: '{match['mode']}'") raise SettingError("Failed to set the operation mode") return response
[docs] def set_constant_condition( self, temperature: float, humidity: Optional[float] = None, stable_time=60.0, poll_interval=1.0, ): """ Sets the environmental chamber to a constant temperature and humidity condition and waits until the setpoints are reached and stable. Args: `temperature`: The temperature to set in Celsius. `humidity`: The humidity to set in percentage. Default is None (humidity control is disabled) `stable_time`: The time in seconds to wait until the setpoints are stable. Default is 60. `poll_interval`: The time in seconds to wait between each check. Default is 1. """ _LOGGER.debug(f"Setting constant condition {temperature}°C, {humidity}%") self.set_target_temperature(temperature) self.set_target_humidity(humidity) self.set_mode(OperationMode.CONSTANT) start_time = time.time() _LOGGER.debug("Waiting for the setpoints to be reached") while True: stable = ( self._target_temperature_reached() and self._target_humidity_reached() ) if not stable: _LOGGER.debug("Setpoints not reached yet") start_time = time.time() if time.time() - start_time >= stable_time: _LOGGER.debug("Setpoints reached and stable") break time.sleep(poll_interval)
[docs] def get_heater_percentage(self) -> HeatersStatus: """ Gets the output of the heaters """ response = self._chamber.query("%?", delay=self.MONITOR_COMMAND_DELAY) pattern = re.compile(r"\d+,(?P<temp>\d+\.\d+),(?P<humid>\d+\.\d+)") match = pattern.match(response) if match is None: _LOGGER.error("Failed to get the heaters status") _LOGGER.debug(f"Response: '{response}'") raise MonitorError("Failed to get the heaters status") heaters = HeatersStatus( temperature_heater=float(match["temp"]), humidity_heater=float(match["humid"]), ) return heaters
def __del__(self): self.close()